Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 11: FISHy but not Fishy

When Prof first started throw the the toy fishes to us, I taught the Prof was going to ask questions related to the topic to those who get the toy fishes (past experience). But, no. Prof was introducing one of the elements in the FISH Philosophy - Have fun.
I wondered why it was called FISH Philosophy and I had my question answered the moment I started reading the article the Prof gave us. This philosophy was used first by fishmongers successfully. It has 4 elements:
  • Play
  • Make Their Day
  • Be There for Coworkers (This is more to do with giving your full attention to a task or individual.)
  • Choose Your Attitude

In Wikipedia, it is stated that John Christensen observed the fishmongers in the Seattle Market with the four elements mentioned above and later turned into the film FISH! and a series books. Both were translated into 17 and 34 languages.
The article stated that this philosophy is widely used in the corporate world. And upon reading further, I discovered it can be and is used in school even though this is the first time I hear of it. Perhaps I have never heard of it before because the teachers hardly use it or use it only sub-consciously.
I believe this philosophy gives a more human touch to the teacher-student relationship and gives due respect students as well as teachers. When the students are respected, they would definitely feel important and it will promote their sense of industry.

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